Well, another week has come to an end. I just want to say that I am impressed by all who are working outside the home and still have time for family & making things everyday. I am back to doing shuttle service this week. Mr. V has a few bad days, so am driving him to and from work. He is able to drive himself home today so that is nice. Rebecca has the last day of Vacation Bible School today so that will be one less trip next week. Then there is making sure to spend some time alone with each family member everyday and the time that takes. I like that part best, but, still it sure takes a lot of time. Like I said earlier I am impressed with all that find time to make stuff everyday......
The only thing I have been working on are the dishcloths. I keep making them different colors so it has not been that uninteresting. They are very simple and easy to take with me in the van while I wait.
I have bought all new pool chemicals for the pool. The water is still a little cloudy and figured my problem was that chemical used to make it clear had lost its strength. It isn't a large pool, but, big enough for everyone to have fun in. So I get to vacuum out the pool and the house during this time. Oh boy, more vacuuming just what I look forward to.....
A couple of weekends ago there was the big air show near the house. Had some interesting planes fly by. Really enjoyed watching these three. The old, the kind of new, and the brand new. I had been meaning to post these pictures, but, just kept putting it off. There are others but figure most aren't that interested in seeing pictures of planes.... Oh, one last thing, did you know it is really really hard to take pictures of fast moving planes.....
Last week was graduation day for Renee. She is all done for now with college. Was a very program held at this lovely old theater. Now all she needs is a job. Hard to think she is that old already. She really wants a job for now with the book store Barnes and Noble. It sounded hopeful the day she applied, so hope they call her soon....
There, now you know pretty much what I have been up to lately. This weekend I hope to get some yardwork done. Have some things that have been waiting for over a week to get planted. They say we are suppose to have very pleasant temperatures this weekend. Sure hope so....
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I know the dog will......
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