Friday, June 08, 2007

Sunny Friday...

We are still having the most lovely weather. I wonder when it will end?????

I have not gotten much done here today. That is why I thought I would post about a book I am hoping to read this weekend. It is called The Apron Book. I had thought about getting this book for sometime now. I saw it again Tuesday while I was out doing some errands and decided it needed to come home with me.

The book is the kind I like the most. The book has patterns for making your own aprons. And the rest of the book is information about aprons. The part I like best, in these types of books, is all the stories of folks pasts or of people they knew and what the aprons they wore meant.

I would love to find a copy of this pattern from when Cinderella was released.
Now you know what I will be doing for part of my weekend. Hope you have an enjoyable one too......

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