Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Very Hot Wednesday....

Today was Rebecca's check up with the dental surgeon. He took out what stitches she had left and looks good. Will have a little bleeding for a few more days and then that should stop. In a couple of months her holes should be all filled back in where the wisdom teeth were. Until then she will have to shot warm water in the holes. He is such a nice man, gets all disappointed when he sees bruises on his patients. We knew ahead of time she would have some.

Here is a new scarf I have started for Rebecca. The yarn is very soft and has been pretty easy to knit with so far. The wait at for her check up was only a few minutes so didn't really get much knitting done on it.

Afterwards we went and finished some paperwork for me. Stopped at a store she likes since we were up that way. She got two magazines and a CD. We then had lunch at Panda Express. Followed by some shopping for work cloths for mom. Which meant that Rebecca got 3 new tops.

Last we stopped at Costco to pick up a few food items. And had to get our squirrels some more peanuts because they will be stopping by more often next month to get ready for winter. (The stuffed squirrel is Kandy's favorite dog toy. I think it is because we have all grey squirrels and this one reminds her of them.) Guess I will close for now and put away the other household items I got this afternoon. My goal tomorrow is not to go anywhere!

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