Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tuesday Post on Wednesday Morning

Ended up taking Mr. V to an appointment yesterday and got home way to late to do any blogging. So, figured I would post a few pictures from yesterday just in case I run out of time again today.

I really do think I need to plan better next year for Christmas. I think this if the first one in a long time that I have run out of time. I did get all the cards off in the post yesterday. Some will get them in time, others will get them after Christmas. But, all the packages mailed last Friday evening have made it to where they should be via Priority Mail. Checked on the FedEx folks this morning and see they will be stopping by today with the gifts for R.A.

The mornings are still cold and I figure by the end of the week all the plants that don't like cold will be no more. That means next week will be cleaning up both in the front and back.

I think I will have the boy go rake for me in the back today.

I also noticed that I have been neglecting my birds and think I need to take care of them today. Kind of hard to use a bird bath when it is full of ice. I also notice they have been dropping bird seed in the bath too. Just another thing I need to clean.

I did pick up one thing for us this week while out getting a couple of presents for folks. I realized that I need to get a covered candy dish. Maybe today while I am out paying those fun filled bills I can stop and to look for one.

I see by the clock I should be cleaning the kitchen floor (like I said I would do days ago) and then pay those bills. The dog has decided it is too cold for her in old age and she will take a nap instead of venturing outside yet. Hope everyone gets all they want done today!

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