Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Basket Making Tuesday...

Boy, has the time gotten away from me these past few days.

Over the weekend I was trying to finish up this basket. I had the bottom all done and found out that I should have checked the size better than I did. The length was right, but, the width was off. Guess I will be making another bottom and hopefully will have it done later this week. I got the pattern from the Bernat web-site ( I have searched their site for the pattern & don't seem to be able to find it, will post it as soon as I locate the link again) and am using Lily Sugar'n Cream cotton yarn. It is a little bit of work using the small hook (really felt it in my fingers afterwards). I do like the look of basket and hope to make some other sizes later on.

Yesterday had to take Rebecca to the fabric store. She has plans to make a cosplay outfit and I think I will be helping with that one. The pattern she is using looks a bit challenging. This morning Renee needs to go to the craft store to look for props for a movie she has to make for a class. This should be interesting.

Short post for now. Hopefully will have something more interesting happen as the day goes on. My Ricky boy has a bad cold, so he is coughing away again today. Maybe I will see if I can find him something at the store while Renee is looking around.

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