Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Day 4 of Month 4....

Let's try this again. Had a post, then Blogger crashed and all was lost.

I will start this time with something fun. Yesterday I received a package from Helene for a fabric swap we did. I was so happy she had enclosed the little cards you can order from your Flickr account. I have always liked the picture of the doll and now have my own.

Then were these little leaves. Which I think I have a plan for.

They came in this little card by Karen Haines. And the little girl reminds of our Rebecca when she was around 2 or 3 years.

I thought I would try to be creative and hang the fabric on the line. Well, it is a bit too windy today to do that. The stuff just wouldn't stay still long enough, it would just flip and flop around in on the line.

I decided to give up and go inside. This fabric sat still.....

Ricky is looking forward to having a pillow made from this one.

Maybe tomorrow I can actually do some sewing. Who knows maybe the pillow will get started then. I don't think I have any errands to run except to the post office. Ricky got his braces all done for the month. He is sprouting red for the month of April. And he got new rubber bands to wear. Can he be any luckier....Tonight for dinner I will make him something soft. He is usually sore for about 2 days after getting new rubber bands and power chains.

See by the clock it is that time again to get an evening meal going. Ricky and Rebecca will be having eggs since that usually is pretty easy for him to eat. Mr. V is going to be running late so I have some chow-mien and fried rice for him when he gets here (kids had that for lunch). I get salad and cottage cheese, have lost 7 pounds so far and would like it to keep going down. Until tomorrow.............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

7 pounds, congrats! I don't have the willpower to diet for now...maybe when it's warmer outside and I'm a little less stressed at work...