Monday, June 04, 2007

Monday Is Here And I Am Back To Posting....

Yes, I have started the week by doing what I had wanted to do. And that is posting Monday thru Friday. I don't have any pictures of the items I am working on because they are almost done. I almost finished up Mr. V's blanket this weekend. I am on the boarder and hope to have it all done before Friday. Today I was able to work on Ricky's cushion cover and finished quilting all the birds. This afternoon I am working on the boarder; which is just stitching in the ditch so that is pretty easy. I have to admit there is something to doing this quilting by hand that is very relaxing. Not sure why, but, I just fine it enjoyable.

The rest of the day has gone pretty well. Even lunch turned out well. All kids were home so made rice and potstickers for them.

After lunch had Ricky cut the grass and I worked on getting the Jasmine under control. I am trying to get it to cover the whole side. We live on the corner, so have a lot of sidewalk to sweep and the Jasmine was taking over the walk.

I got some small fencing last week (hard to see because it is green). I tied some of Jasmine to it and am hoping this will help keep the vines under control. I was also very proud of myself because I had exactly enough fencing to run the area I needed it in. Is always a good day when I don't have anything left over.

Maybe later in the week I will go after this mess. The shrub roses too are trying to take over the sidewalk. They have some pretty big thorns on them this year, so I really need to cut them back.

I was happy to see there are still some marigolds that the snails haven't eaten yet. I need to put some more bait out for them and maybe the flowers will live then.
I found this quilting thread the other day. I am not sure what I am going to do with it yet, but, just thought it was different. I like that it is variegated and I am sure there is something interesting to be done with it. The thread is from Coats and you can follow the link to see the other colors.
I will close with this link to Calvary Chapel Westminster. We had some wonderful music from them this weekend at church. If you ever have a chance to visit or hear them you will enjoy it very much. (I give up, I have been trying to get the spacing correct in this post and it just doesn't seem to want to let me do what I want. I will just live with it.....)

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