Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Day of No Driving....

I didn't have to drive anywhere today!!!!!!!!! How great is that!!!!!!!!

The kids and I actually got some schoolwork done. We will be doing school all Summer to get caught up. Just too many things happen this past Winter and put us behind. That is fine with me. I had to convince Ricky to let me read his Social Studies to him. I actually enjoy doing that and I know we can cover a lot more material if I do the reading to him then waiting for him to read it. I think I enjoyed doing it more than he did, hey, we sat outside while we worked on it. I really need to do more schoolwork outside. It is much more enjoyable.

Well, this week I started working on Christmas presents. Yes, folks I did say Christmas. If I don't start now nothing will get done just like it does every other year.

I am making dishcloths right now. I want to make up sets of 6 cloths and some how bundle them together really pretty. I am going to try to make 4 a week until I have enough. It is a very simple pattern (which is normal for me). I got the pattern from Cozy Crochet by Melissa Leapman. I like the pictures in the book and am finding that is one of the big selling points with me on craft type books. The more enjoyable to pictures the more likely I am to buy it.

We are still having beautiful weather and it makes it so hard to stay inside to work on things. I have the above ground pool up and running. Ricky has gone in it everyday. He is way braver than I. The water is still too cold for me, but of course he is our waterboy and has always loved being in it. Have told him when he turns 16 will let him go take scuba diving lessons if he would like to. There is a really nice place that offers lessons just down the street from Mr. V's work.

I think I am back to doing my daily posts now. Hopefully I will be able to post some interesting things over the coming months.

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