Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I Am Back....

At one point in my life I seemed to have been much more in control of my time. I do not know what has happen over the last couple of years, but, boy can I ever get off track now days. I do plan on, starting today, getting back to my once a day postings Monday thru Fridays. I have pretty much figured out my camera and will start posting some pictures tomorrow.

Last week we did have a lovely visit with my friend Katy and her son Pomai. They headed back home to Ohau on Monday. Understand they will be back visiting along with hubby Ron the end of June for a trip with Ron's sister and her husband. Will be nice seeing them again next month.

Yesterday at my local grocery store I was happy to find they now get Romantic Home magazine.

The only down side, sometimes, with these magazines I love, is that I realize I have a long way to go before I will have little areas set up like they show. But, I am sure that will come with time and I realize I have only so many hours in a day. I do really enjoy my life and spending all my extra time with Mr. V and the kids.

I thought this was such a nice laundry room. I still can't figure out how anyone can keep a room like this so extremely clean while cleaning the dirty things I do. But, of course my washer and dryer are in the garage so that really limits things.

Since I do have a magazine buying/reading habit, I couldn't leave the grocery store without this new issue of Home Companion.

There always seem to be a very happy looking kitchen in every issue. I like sunny kitchens/eating areas. Maybe because most of my day is spent in the kitchen area of the house.
Oh, in this issue, Mary Engelbreit has included a print of a very cute Mermaid. And yes there is a paper doll as always.

I suppose I should fold some of that laundry that is sitting here waiting. Boy, when Mr. V has a couple days off I get way behind really fast. Of course this morning I had to take Ricky and Rebecca out to pick up the Dalek that was ordered. And he is pretty fun to drive around. We did make a few stops on the way home to pick up some craft things for Rebecca. Maybe it is these kids that make me get off track of what I should be doing.......

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