Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Uneventful Wednesday

For some reason Blogger wasn't letting me post pictures. I tried yesterday and this morning. But, now it has decided to upload something. Guess this will be a short post this morning. Will make a nicer post later today.

Yesterday R.E. thought his lunch looked like a picture and wanted me to take a picture of it. So, here you have cheese, crackers and salami with a glass of apple juice on the side. There, we have now made him happy.

R.A. decided to try to make a skirt for her Pullip doll. She has a lot of practicing to do on the sewing machine making something to so small. R.A. agrees that she will have to get good at hand sewing for the really small stuff.

She made an elastic skirt for her first go at it. Think she will do a few more practice items before using her nice material.

Here is the next bib knitted. It looks a little darker in the picture. Am making up my mind which color butterfly button to use. Am thinking to use bluer/teal color one since the yellow/greens is where it will sit once used with the button hole.

Will close for now. Later today I will try to post again and do some links to stuff. Have a couple of new blogs that were fun to read, so will add those links too (as long as poor Blogger isn't having issues).


RAV said...

Eek! My back!

Yep, I'll try to pratice more! I wanna try adding lace and ribbon to a skirt next.

I think the blue butterfly would be best for it too.

Unknown said...

I love the 'pretty as picture' lunch. I have been known to slip into that sad mode of parenthood where you make faces and such out of the childrens dinner in an attempt to get them to eat it. Unfortunately my kids then tell me "but I can't eat the face mumma!" Next time I will try an arrangement like yours and see if it works