Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Dark, Rainy, Tuesday

Seems to have been a day of wasted time. Poor Mr. V, we went to the see the new doc. and his office moved about 2 months ago. Did the office think it might be wise to see if he had been given the new address, nope. He cancelled the appointment and I think it is for the better not to bother with this specialist. I figure if your office isn't wise enough to keep informing folks they have moved, what does that say about the doctor they work for. It is after all his practice and I judge him by how I am handled by his office staff. We have doctors, dentist, and orthodontists that have moved in the past couple of years. They always remind for at least a year of their new location. He has been given a new doctor to try now.

Since I ended up with sometime to kill before R.L. was done with her classes today; went to Michaels and Target. Needed to pick up some jewelry gift boxes for the R.A. and so took my time in Michaels. Looked at all the little items and found a few things for us to use to make some fun items with. Went over to Target and got the boy new snowpants and boots. Picked up cookies for Mr. V to keep at work and then drove them over to him. This was followed by a drive-thru lunch pick up for me and off to the parking lot to wait for R.L. Actually was a nice time sitting there having lunch in the van and reading without any questions being asked.

I wanted to post the above doll. I bought her at the Comic/Anime Convention I went to Sunday for the kids. The lady selling her and I were talking when R.A. showed up. We both agreed that the doll looked a lot like R.A. (all right when she was little). That was enough for me to get her, the lady selling her even dropped the price because of how much it looked like R.A. It looks as if her name is Miki, at least that is what the label says. The Japanese comic that came with her is pretty cute.

I thought I would post some pictures of a few ornaments that were made for us over the years. The above ornament was made by our friend Katy. It is cross-stitched with folded material.

Katy also made this tatting over a red satin ball. I know the pictures aren't very good since it is so dark today.
This one was made by a friend of my mothers. It is actually popsicle sticks with gift wrapped mini boxes and ribbon made from yarn that is baked in the oven to keep the curl.

This one is howled out walnut (cracked, cleaned, then glued back together) painted red with beads added. It is now a strawberry.

This little peppermint guy was made by our neighbor Sandy. She makes something for us every year.

She also made this bear, which I think was last year.

I think that pretty much sums up my wasted day. Hopefully more will get done tomorrow. I am looking forward to a nice evening with the everyone home for a change.


Anonymous said...

That doll is SO cute!!! And the ornaments are just lovely. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

it is all lovely - thanks for showing us! :)

robin said...

Lovely ornaments...love the peppermint doll! A very Merry Christmas!