Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Not a Very Interesting Day...

Had plans to be more productive today, but, that just didn't happen. To make a long story short ended up with a call back for an appointment I had last week. Thought it would only take a few minutes. Those few minutes turned into a few hours. So I really don't have anything all that interesting to write about today.

I did have to stop by Wal-Mart afterwards because I needed softener to finish up the laundry that I told the boy I would do for him today (it is now night and if he is lucky I may still do some for him yet).

Since I was feeling a little on the down side, decided to look at the pattern books. I found this top pattern for one of the girls. I really want to help RA out with more sewing this year.

I thought I might like this one for myself.

I also got some little scissors because I want to try the freezer paper paint thing. I have a sweatshirt that has a couple of spots that need to be hidden. I have an idea of what to put over them. I just needed better scissors than blunt end paper ones.

I will close with saying a big thank-you to my eldest for taking the train home after I told her I would stop by and give her a ride home. I just didn't know I was going to be that long.

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